Astro blog starter: Build a Simple Blog with Astro, BCMS & TailwindCSS

Astro Blog starter.jpeg
By Juliet Ofoegbu
Read time 8 min
Posted on 18 Feb 2025

Building a modern, fast, and visually appealing blog doesn’t have to be complicated. All you need is the perfect Headless CMS, and in comes BCMS.

Read on to learn how to build a simple blog using Astro blog starter, and by the end of this tutorial, you'll have a fully functional blog ready to go live.

What is BCMS?

BCMS is a powerful headless CMS built for developers. It allows you to manage your content easily and integrates effortlessly with modern frameworks like Next.js, Nuxt.js, Astro, and Gatsby.

What is Astro?

Astro is a modern static site generator optimized for performance. It ships less JavaScript to the browser by default and is ideal for building fast SEO-friendly websites.


Before we start, ensure you have the following ready:

  • Node.js (v16+)

  • npm or yarn

  • Basic understanding of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

  • Basic understanding of Headless CMS is an advantage but not compulsory.

  • An account on BCMS (sign up using Google or GitHub).

Our finished blog app will consist of:

  • A homepage displaying a grid of blog posts.

  • A single post page for reading the detailed content of each blog post.

  • Fully responsive design powered by TailwindCSS.

Here’s a glimpse of what we’ll be building:

1. Astro blog.png

How BCMS Astro Blog Starter simplifies building with ready-to-use boilerplate

One of the standout features of BCMS is how it makes getting started with your blog project easy.

For developers using Astro, BCMS provides a start code boilerplate that is pre-integrated with Astro. This helps you save time and effort by ensuring that all the essential components you need are ready for immediate use.

Here's how BCMS does it and why it's a game-changer for developers:

1. Pre-configured integration with Astro

The BCMS Astro start command works out of the box with Astro. What this means is that:

  • API connections are preconfigured, meaning you don't need to manually set up the connection between BCMS and Astro. It's already done for you.

  • Fetching content from a CMS can get tricky, especially for beginner developers, but with the BCMS-Astro starter command boilerplate, the fetching logic is already written. You won’t have to write additional API calls.

2. Boilerplate for essential components

When you use the BCMS-Astro start command, you get access to ready-made components for your blog app for fetching and displaying content from the BCMS project dashboard to the Astro website.

The components include:

  • Post list component: For displaying a grid or list of the blog posts.

  • Post details component: For rendering individual blog entries.

You can always customize these components to suit your needs.

3. Fully functional demo setup

The BCMS boilerplate doesn’t just give you individual components; it comes with a demo setup that includes:

  • A homepage displaying your blog posts.

  • A blog details page to showcase individual posts.

  • A responsive and SEO-friendly layout that is perfect for production or customization.

With this, you can see a working example of your blog from the start, so you’ll have a clear understanding of how to build and expand on it.

4. Customizable layouts and components

The BCMS-Astro boilerplate is flexible:

  • You can tweak the styling using TailwindCSS.

  • You can add new components, pages (e.g., contact, about me page), or features, like a newsletter signup form, as needed.

With all you now know about how BCMS integrates with Astro to provide a great boilerplate code, let’s get to work building!

Setting Up Your BCMS-Astro Project

1. Set up a simple Astro blog

Set up your Astro blog with BCMS using this command in your terminal or the command line interface (CLI) of your preferred IDE:

npx @thebcms/cli create astro starter simple-blog

2. Login or sign up on BCMS

Once you’ve run the command, you’ll be prompted to install some packages; proceed by typing “y” in your terminal. This will initialize a new BCMS project on your system, and you’ll be provided with a link in your terminal directing you to your browser to log in to your BCMS account or create one if you haven’t already.

3. Project setup

Once you’ve logged in on your browser, feel free to close the tab and go back to your terminal or CLI to follow the prompts.

  • First, give your project a name, e.g., blog-app. Hit the enter key.

  • This will clone the starter GitHub repo, initialize a new BCMS project, create an Astro project in your project folder, and add a sample blog content layout for you.

Project setup
  • In your terminal, you’ll be provided with a link. When you click that link, you’ll be taken to your default browser, where your BCMS project dashboard will open up. Explore the BCMS dashboard to get familiar with the layout.

  • To see the blog content automatically generated by BCMS with that start command boilerplate, navigate to the “Blog” page by toggling the Entries option on the left-hand sidebar and clicking Blog. Check out the content of the blog posts generated for you.

3. BCMS blog dashboard.jpg

4. Install packages and run a server

  • Navigate to the created project using: cd blog-app. Then, type in npm install in your terminal to install the necessary dependencies and packages needed.

  • Now it’s time to run your development server using the command: npm run dev. This will open a local host server on your browser at port 4321 when you click the link provided in your terminal.

You’ll notice that the blog entries on your Astro webpage are the same ones in your BCMS project dashboard.

Install packages

Cool! See how easily BCMS helped you set up a CMS for the Astro blog?

Moving on.

Obviously, the content of these blog posts is not the same as what you’ll want on your personal blog. What you’ll do next is go ahead and change that or create new blog entries in your project template.

So what are templates in BCMS?

Templates in BCMS

Templates in BCMS are what define the structure of your content. Whether you’re building a blog app, a portfolio website, or an e-commerce website with any frontend framework on BCMS, you’ll need a template. You’ll then create entries for your website with these structures.

Editing the Default BCMS-Astro Template

By default, when creating a blog or any website directly from the BCMS dashboard, you’ll have to first create a template to contain your content structure. But since you used the default BCMS start command, it provided a boilerplate for integrating your content, along with a template called Blog and the blog entries.

If you’re not ok with the template and you want to modify this template for your personalized blog properties, follow these steps:

  • On the left sidebar, toggle the Administration dropdown, and click Templates.

  • Click the template there—the Blog box—to open the template page.

  • Click the Edit template button located at the top right corner of your dashboard.

  • An input box will pop up where you can change details of the template, like the name of the template and the description. I’ll leave the name as it is. Click the Update button to save your changes, if you made any changes to the template.

To learn more about entries in BCMS, visit the dedicated templates doc page.

Adding Property to the Template

Properties (or inputs) in BCMS are used to create the data structure of your page’s entry. They are the smallest component in the BCMS ecosystem and have different types, including string, rich text, number, date, boolean, media, etc.

To create a blog app, you’ll probably make use of the property types that have been added by the Astro starter command to the default template (string, date, rich text, media, and enumeration), with corresponding labels:

  • Title (String)

  • Slug (String)

  • Date (Date)

  • Description (Rich text)

  • Cover Image (Media)

  • Category (Enumeration), which will contain tags for each blog post.

If you wish to add more properties to your blog, simply drag the property type from the Properties column on the right-hand side and drop it in the middle of your page where other properties already are, like this:

6. Adding properties.gif

NB: I’m going to remove the category label because I don’t want tags/categories in my blog posts for now. To delete a property from a template, click the particular property you want to delete, click Remove, and confirm it.

You can also change the label of any property you want. To do this, open the property, enter your desired label name, and update to save changes.

To learn more about entries in BCMS, visit the dedicated properties doc page.

Once you’re done with editing or creating properties, the next step is to create blog entries, or in your case, you can simply edit the default blog entries automatically generated by the Astro starter command boilerplate.

Creating Blog Entries in the Template’s Properties

Entries in BCMS are records based on a template. Simply put, they are the content of your website or blog, or the values of your template’s properties.

When you used the starter command to create your BCMS-Astro project, along with the template and properties generated for you, some entries were also generated as values for those properties. Those are the entries that are currently being shown on your Astro website running on the localhost server.

Navigate to your blog entries page by toggling the Entries dropdown on the left sidebar and clicking Blog, your template. This will open up the page containing the list of entries in your project.

Now, you’ll need to either edit those entries or delete them entirely and create new ones.

  • To create new entries for your blog, click the Create new entry button at the top right corner of your page.

7. New Blog entry.jpg

A page opens up where you enter the title of your blog. The blog’s slug will be automatically generated based on the blog’s title. Input a date and article description.

  • In the input field underneath, start typing the main content of your blog. This field uses markdown, so you can format your content using commands like #, ##, ### for headings, *** **** for bold, etc. Or simply type “/” to open up the list of markdown format types you can use.

8. Inside BCMS blog .png
  • Set a cover image for your article by uploading it from your computer or dragging and dropping it, then selecting it. Click Select.

  • Once all your blog entries are complete, on the right-hand side of the page, select the status of the blog, Published or Draft, and then hit the Update button to save the entry as a blog post. Do this again to add more entries to your blog.

  • To view all your blog entries, click the template name-Blog under Entries on your left sidebar, and you’ll see something similar to this:

9. Deleting blog entry.png
  • To delete a blog entry, click the three dots at the far end of each blog in the blog entries page. You’ll see two options: ‘Duplicate’ and ‘Delete’. Click the Delete option. Do this for all the blog entries, leaving your page blank. Then start creating new entries.

To learn more about entries in BCMS, visit the dedicated entries doc page.

Granting Permissions To Access Entries in BCMS Dashboard

Apart from generating a template and creating blog entries by default for your blog, the BCMS-Astro starter command also auto-generated an API key for your blog project.

API keys connect your app with the data in your BCMS project.

To view the API key automatically generated for you, navigate to the Settings option by toggling the Administration dropdown, click the API keys tab, and then click the rectangular space with the “blog-app Auto Generated Key” name. The API key details are located on the right-hand side of the page.

10 project settings.jpg

By default, the template that was created automatically for you at the start of your project has already been granted the GET permission. If you scroll down that API key details section, you’ll see that the Can get box is ticked.

This means that the API key connecting your Astro project to your BCMS has permission to access the entries from the template, and the content of that template can be rendered and displayed on your Astro blog website.

If you create a new template in the project, the GET permission will not be granted by default. You’d have to come to the settings and tick the box yourself to grant access entries, along with any other permission you want your website to have, like CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE permission.

After making any change to your permission, make sure to click the Update button to save it.

And with that, you’re done with the BCMS dashboard; let’s move on to the codebase.

To learn more about entries in BCMS, visit the dedicated API keys doc page.

Configuring The Astro Code

Open your project in your IDE and inspect the file or folder structure of your project.

┣ tsconfig.jsoncode/
┣ bcms/
┣ node_modules/
┣ public/
┣ src/
┣ .env
┣ .gitignore
┣ astro.config.mjs
┣ bcms.config.cjs
┣ package-lock.json
┣ package.json
┣ tailwind.config.mjs
┗ tsconfig.json

  • Locate and open your bcms.config.cjs file. It has already been configured to include the API key details, including the key ID, instance ID, organization ID, and key secret, all of which are being stored in variables and referenced in this file.

  • The .env file contains the IDs and the key secret, the same values that are in your BCMS dashboard in your API keys settings.

See how easy it was for you. You don’t have to hardcode anything. Everything has already been set up for you when you used the setup starter command.

Now I want to change the content of the blog website being rendered a bit; for example, I have to remove the category code because I deleted the category property previously.

Changing the Content Being Rendered on the Website

If you also deleted the category property with me, follow these steps:

  • Go to your blog.d.ts file, located at “blog-app > bcms > entry > blog.d.ts” and remove the ‘Category’ entry on line 11, since it’s no longer included as a property in your BCMS project.

  • Go to your blog-card.astro file, located at “src > components > blog-card.astro” and remove the entire html code for the category property from line 35 to line 50.

  • Also, go to your [...slug].astro file, located at “src > pages > blog > [...slug].astro” and remove the entire HTML code for the category property from line 20 to line 78.

  • If you changed the label of your properties in your dashboard, you’ll also need to change it in your codebase so it matches what is in your dashboard.

Go to your Astro website on your browser to see the changes you made on your dashboard and the codebase reflected there.

Styling the Blog Webpage

The layout and styling of the blog app are the default layout and styling that came with the starter boilerplate. If you’re not ok with it, feel free to change it.

NB: The BCMS-Astro boilerplate uses TailwindCSS for styling.

Here’s how mine looks after styling:

11 Blog done.gif

That’s it! Your blog app is ready.

Building a blog application with Astro and BCMS is as easy as just starting with the boilerplate code and then tweaking a few things on your dashboard and codebase to meet your requirements.

You can also add more properties to your blog, like author’s name, author’s image, category, etc., and render them on your Astro website.

Why Choose BCMS to Other Headless CMS for Your Blog?

When building a modern blog application, you have to choose the right Headless CMS. While there are several options, BCMS stands out as a strong contender for developers.

Here’s why BCMS is the perfect choice for your blog apps:

  1. BCMS is built with developers in mind. It is easy to use and flexible. Whether you’re working with Next.js, Nuxt.js, Astro, or Gatsby, BCMS integrates seamlessly into your workflow so you can focus on building instead of dealing with complex configurations.

  2. Unlike with some other headless CMS, on BCMS, you don’t need to create separate folders for the backend and frontend. Everything is included in one project folder in your IDE, so it’s easy for you to manage.

  3. The BCMS admin panel is intuitive and user-friendly, which makes it easy for you to manage and publish your blog posts.

  4. BCMS has SEO optimization tools that enable you to build user-friendly, high-performing, and SEO-optimized blogs.

  5. You can extend your blog’s functionalities with webhooks and functions.

Whatever you’re building, be it a blog app, a portfolio site, a business website, or an e-commerce website, BCMS provides the tools to help you do it efficiently.

Conclusion: Use the best Astro blog starter

The BCMS start code for Astro makes it easy, fast, and stress-free to build a blog.

It contains pre-configured components, ready-to-use content fetching logic, and a demo-ready layout that saves the time-consuming setup process and allows you to focus on creating your unique blog.

Give it a try; you might just find it’s the headless CMS for Astro you’ve been looking for.

It takes a minute to start using BCMS


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