Getting Started with Next.js and BCMS

This guide will show you how to integrate BCMS with a Next.js project. Let's begin!

Open your BCMS project

Go to Make sure you have some entries in your BCMS project to fetch and display in Next.js. For example, create a template called Blog and add a media property called Cover Image.


Create a Blog Entry

Create a new blog entry with the title My First Blog, add a cover image, and write some content (e.g., lorem ipsum).


Create an API Key

Navigate to Administration > Settings > API Keys. Create a new API key, and leave the page open for the next steps. Ensure the key has permission to access entries from the Blog template.


Create a Next.js Project

Open your terminal and create a new Next.js project using the following command:

npx create-next-app@latest

Install BCMS Packages

Run the following command to install BCMS-related packages:

npm i --save @thebcms/cli @thebcms/client @thebcms/components-react

Update package.json

Modify the scripts section in package.json as follows:

"scripts": {
  "dev": "bcms --pull types --lng ts && next dev",
  "build": "bcms --pull types --lng ts && next build",
  "start": "bcms --pull types --lng ts && next start",
  "lint": "bcms --pull types --lng ts && next lint"

The bcms --pull types --lng ts command starts the BCMS CLI and pulls types from BCMS, saving them in /bcms/types/. These types work for both JavaScript and TypeScript.

Update TypeScript Configuration

If you’re using TypeScript, open tsconfig.json and set moduleResolution to Node:


Create bcms.config.cjs

In the root of your project, create a file called bcms.config.cjs and add the following configuration:

module.exports = {
    client: {
        orgId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ORG_ID",
        instanceId: "YOUR_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID",
        apiKey: {
            id: "API_KEY_ID",
            secret: "API_KEY_SECRET",

All the information for this configuration can be found on the API key page you created earlier.

Initialize BCMS Client

In the /src directory, create a new file called bcms.ts. Inside, initialize the BCMS client:

import { Client } from "@thebcms/client";
export const bcms = new Client(
    id: "API_KEY_ID",
    secret: "API_KEY_SECRET",
    injectSvg: true,

Fetch and Display Data

In /src/app/page.tsx, fetch data from the BCMS project and display it on the page:

import { bcms } from "@/bcms";
import { BlogEntry } from "../../bcms/types/ts";
import { BCMSContentManager, BCMSImage } from "@thebcms/components-react";
export default async function Home() {
  const blogs = (await bcms.entry.getAll("blog")) as BlogEntry[];
  return (
      <div className="flex flex-col gap-4">
        {, blogIdx) => {
          if (!blog.meta.en || !blog.content.en) {
            return "";
          return (
            <div key={blogIdx} className="flex flex-col gap-8">
              <h1 className="mb-10 text-3xl">{blog.meta.en.title}</h1>
                className="w-full h-60 object-cover"
              <BCMSContentManager items={blog.content.en} />

That's it — happy coding!