BCMS year in a review: Thank you, 2023, welcome 2024!

BCMS year in a review thumbnails
By Arso Stojović
Read time 4 min
Posted on 29 Dec 2023

Can we just ⏭⏮⏸🔁⏹?

Yeah, 2023 was a dynamic year for BCMS, with a few big and a lot of small wins. It was soooo good that the whole BCMS once again asked: Can we just ⏭⏮⏸🔁⏹?

If not, at least discover why this year was so special for us.

BCMS 2023: In review

Let's split this into 2 sections:

  • BCMS’s big wins

  • BCMS’s small wins

  • In both sections, we simply ❤️

BCMS’ big wins

In the early days of BCMS we used a couple of tactics and strategies in order to attract attention and traffic to our website and our tool. One of them was the programmatic SEO approach, where our main goal was only to identify interesting niches to write about later.

We made programmatic pages on topics like "The best {cms synonym} for {kind of website}." The idea was simple: if a page gets more traffic, we'll write more about that topic in the future.

Here's what we did:

Outcome: The later article became so popular that BCMS became the go-to programmatic SEO CMS for many 🤯. All thanks to Google.

Why do we consider this a big win?

We used a programmatic SEO strategy to help us attract people and potential clients, and then a plot twist happened, totally unplanned. Our "how-to" article about the whole process of building programmatic SEO pages was (and still is) popular, and it generates more visits than all the programmatic SEO pages together. 🤷‍♂️

What did we learn?

Programmatic SEO is a helpful and powerful strategy to use for bringing visitors, but teaching others how to use BCMS for their programmatic SEO projects and giving visitors some value that they can use after reading the tutorial, makes it 10x more worthwhile.

So maybe in 2024, you learning how to create thousands of programmatic SEO pages that convert can be your big win. 🤓

BCMS built its authority

After the lesson learned, we based our content strategy on quality content and value-sharing pieces of information. For each topic, we use this same philosophy resulting in high rank levels and making readers happy to read our blogs while making BCMS a trustful source of information for Google.

Therefore, it is unsurprising that we have at least one text for each topic we have created in the top 3 search results. Below is an example.

As mentioned above, "The best CMS for job board website" was one of the programmatic SEO pages that drove traffic to our website. So, with the job board topic, we started our new content category, helping people create job boards for their companies or public job boards.

So here is what the outcome looks like:

job board cms keyword
the best job board CMS

And so on and on. It's a pretty big win for our small team and small website! 🎉

BCMS code starters

BCMS spent almost 6 months of this year coding free code starters.

There are 8 different code starters for major frameworks Nuxt, NextJS, and Gatsby. (for now)

So if you do the math, there are 24 completely free websites that you can use for whatever you want – private projects, commercial work, or just to poke around.

All these pre-built code starters are open-source, responsive, styled with TailwindCSS, and yes, they're all free. ( and will stay free in 2024, so here’s your chance to get a big win again).

Use them for whatever – Support us by hitting that ⭐ button on GitHub.

BCMS built really awesome functionalities

You can find case studies on our website, which show how different companies used BCMS to build their websites or to solve burning issues. One of them is Basket, which uses BCMS as a CMS solution for e-commerce for product management and bilingual content management.

We always enjoy seeing creative ways people use BCMS for. At Basket, it's a summer/winter animated hero section that changes with the season.

Problem: Clients would need 5 minutes twice a year to change the animation layers through BCMS. But why do that when we can spend 30 min automating that process

Solution: Nuxt & BCMS.

Without Nuxt or a similar framework, it wouldn't be possible to:

Do all this on the server-side, meaning that the website will load with both hero sections and hide one on the client-side. Resulting in a slower website with redundant code.

Without BCMS, it wouldn't be possible to

  • Organize images into folders, allowing clients to change them at any time. Everything is dynamic, so adding animation layers or a new season folder - updates the site instantly.

  • Benefit from automatic image optimizations. BCMS comes with the BCMSImage component, which takes care of displaying images in perfect dimensions and in modern formats. Clients really don't bother compressing images before uploading them into BCMS. On the website, they always end up in perfect dimensions and file sizes.

The code below identifies ifWinter() - use images from the "winter" folder in BCMS; otherwise, use the "summer" folder.

Basket Hero code line

That is the code, and this is how it looks on the screen:

Basket winter summer hero

The only thing left to make spring / fall animated hero, too.

BCMS small wins

BCMS @ WebSummit in Portugal

Not only did we visit WebSummit, but we also participated in the Alpha program and had the opportunity to present our headless CMS to more than 70k people. 😍


  • 4 320 minutes of headless CMS talk

  • 96 hours of walking, standing, and networking

  • 4 days of introducing people to BCMS

  • 30% more website visits

  • GitHub ⭐️ 🌱📈

  • 10+ number of new affiliates and clients (still in emails and calls with potential clients & partners we met at WebSummit)

Portugal, obrigado. See you next year 👋

BCMS leads a healthy life

If you ask Ahrefs, we are quite healthy. In fact, there is no "healthier”. Look at us.

BCMS health score

It's always been 95+, but never 100!

BCMS 3.0 version and new README

Making BCMS better is... well, what we do every day.

On the Readme file in GitHub, you will see all the info about the newest BCMS version and features only BCMS has.

BCMS won the DevHunt contest

BCMS was DevHunt's product of the week in 2023!

Yey! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Now, back to work.

BCMS 2024: What’s coming next

BCMS will continue with its core beliefs about making web development enjoyable. Also, BCMS continues with its strategy:

  • Quality over quantity

  • Building solutions, not problems

  • Empowering static websites and freeing developers

So in 2024, you can expect:

  • More quality content

  • More code starters

  • More features

  • More big wins

  • More small wins

  • More success

  • More fun

To take these words seriously, here is a little sneak peek at something we are preparing for the very beginning of 2024:

BCMS new design

New BCMS design, isn't it lovely? Which one would you choose?

It takes a minute to start using BCMS


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